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Seekrit Valentine 2014


Image by lipstickloriLast February, I wrote about how much I missed the anonymous messages that used to be such a large part of Valentine’s Day. From the notes that we sent each other in school, to the short newspaper ads that were mini declarations of love, they brought joy to many people on a day that doesn’t have to be about overpriced tat and expensive candlelit meals. These were like little windows into other people’s worlds of love and adoration for their partners, friends and secret crushes.

I decided to resurrect the tradition here on Rarely Wears Lipstick with a feature I called Seekrit Valentine – inviting my readers and Twitter followers to submit short messages to people who mean a lot to them, and it certainly brought a few smiles to people’s faces. Plus an inevitable amount of detective work to find out who some messages were from. (Of course, I never reveal my sources!) Well, it’s Valentine’s Day again, so here’s this year’s bumper crop of messages…

G: Your headline event was mirror ball shorts and you AR1-ed with erm… the ‘loving knuckles’. That hour and a half on the Central Line in a heat wave was among the best things I have ever done. There are so many more adventures to come, firsts to have, things to explore and learn together. You have made my world bigger and happier and filled it with love. You are AMAZING. I love you so much.

@sarcastathon – you’ll never realise that I have a crush on you, so am happy to have awkward silences instead.

Dave Breeze: Your solo performance at the ID showcase in November was deliciously hot! Love, a secret redhead admirer xxx

To puppy, kitten and sharky, You are my world :) Happy Valentines Day with all my love, pandamunky xxx

SEEKRIT VALENTINE! *Sssh!* For (Elizabeth Varley) @evarley. Message reads “SMOOCHES! X”

L: You are the most gorgeous human. Inside and out. I wish I had run after you at Waterloo underground and kissed you then, although the kisses since have been magical. I cannot wait to see you on Monday… it feels like forever.

@kinkinoneko – WOOF!

Amanda: You are absolutely gorgeous and badass and I have a secret crush on you. Anon.

Making people laugh never feels quite as good as just being able to make you smile. We’ll never be together, but this day was made for unrequited love. Stay wonderful.

To the gorgeous artofbabalon,

It was wonderful to spend more time with you in 2013. No matter how long the gaps are in between, meeting up with you is always delicious. Here’s to more fun and frolics in 2014.

From you-know-who xx

I’m not in love with you, not even close, but you ARE pretty – so let’s carry on as we are, eh? :)

To A.S. You look IMMENSELY cute in your ballet tights. Especially when you’re doing those funny little Irish hop things, or whatever they’re called in ballet language!!!

@queerdesires – Could a snapchat lead to a date sometime?

I was trying to find the words, but then it hit me. You are to other people what True Detective is to every other show on television right now.

Dearest Monk, the kindest, sweetest, pinkest, sparkliest, most generous little monk of them all. Hundreds of scoopies for you xxxxxxxxx

AK: You are freaking amazing. You are an awesome metamour and there is something about being around you that makes me feel like I am finally home. I love you.

LS – Hopefully GCal and the Universe will be kind in throwing us a date sometime. I think fondly about you often.

My amazing You. Last year you promised me both roses and thorns and have provided both and so much more. I adore you. You inspire me and make me a better person-shaped monster. Here’s to so many more beautiful spiky years ahead. Xxx

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